General Info/Rules



I have four rules for the Eureka Golf Team.  Multiple or severe violations may result in disciplinary action, possibly including a suspension from the team.
1)  Be on time-Be at practice when you are supposed to.  Be early so you do not hold up your fellow teammates.  If you miss the bus for a meet, you are prohibited from driving to the meet and you will not be allowed to participate. 
2)  Follow instructions-Practice is a time to refine and develop skills, not to clown around.  Fun is important, but that fun must fall within the structure of the practice, not disrupt it.
3)  Show good sportsmanship-Be gracious in both victory and defeat.  Golf is not an adversarial sport.  Show respect for your fellow competitors.  Always be honest in keeping score. Take care of the golf courses.  Repair divots and ball marks, rake sand traps, and as a general rule leave the course in as good of shape as you found it, if not better.
4)  Be a good teammate-Encourage your teammates, don't belittle them or make fun of them.   Treat others as you would want to be treated.


Other information to note...

Attendance:  Golfers are required to be at all mandatory practices.   Failure to attend a practice without clearance from me means you will not be allowed to participate in the next meet.  
Collared Shirts:  As per SDHSAA rules, all golfers need to wear a collared shirt or turtleneck while participating in golf meets.
Golfers in Track:  Students in golf and track will need to make arrangements with both coaches in regards to practice schedules.  Students in high school may miss one day for golf and one day for track; junior high students can only miss one full day, and will have to make choices between golf and track.
Grades/Eligibility:  Students need to be academically eligible to participate as per school and SDHSAA policy.  Refer to student handbook for the guidelines.

Most golf meets occur during the school day.  Students are responsible for any materials and assignments missed while at a golf meet.  Students in the golf program need to use good time management to ensure they maintain their academic level.

Students must also maintain an amateur status in golf.  This includes not accepting excessive prizes at tournaments (of at least $750).  Refer to the rules of amateur status in the USGA Rules of Golf or ask Mr. Batie if you have any questions.  Generally it takes at least a year of time to reapply for amateur status, so act carefully.

Also, you may not play in any tournaments other than school-sponsored events during the course of the Class B golf season as per SDHSAA rules.

Hats:  As per SDHSAA policy, hats should always be worn facing forward at meets, for the entire time you are on the golf facilities.  This includes before and after the meet.
Lettering Requirements:  Students earn a letter (or bar) in golf by participating in 60% of meets with five or more teams at the varsity level.  Students can also letter by qualifying for the State B Golf Meet.
Physicals and Medical Contest Sheets:  As per school policy, all students need to have a current athletic physical and consent for medical treatment form on file before they may participate in practice or meets.
Training Rules:  Policy regarding training rules is stated in the student handbook and the brown sheets.  Students who violate policy are subject to suspensions as stipulated in the handbook.
Transportation/Lodging/Trips:  On several occasions, the team travels out of town.   Transportation will be provided by the school.  Parents may pick up their children at the conclusion of the events.  Please either give me a note and make sure I see you leaving together.  Any other transportation arrangements needs to approved by school administration prior to the event.  In the event that the above policy is violated, the student will not be permitted to participate.  In most instances, students are supplied with golf balls.

Students who participate in meets that require overnight lodging will be provided lodging at school expense.  Students are to stay in the team hotel unless other arrangements have been approved by the administration in advance.  Students on overnight trips will receive a meal allowance in accordance with current policy.