World History Info





1)  Be on time and start the assignment posted on the board.

2)  Only one person talking at a time.  If you have a question or comment, please raise your hand and wait for me to call on you.  

3)  Follow instructions.

4)  Take care of your class materials and the classroom, and leave items that do not belong to you alone.

5)  Treat the opinions of others with respect.

Absences, by Me:   Due to the nature of my job description (band and golf), there will be several times where I will miss class for school-related purposes. When I am absent, there will be work left for you.  Depending on circumstances (available substitute, etc) you will either report to the world history room or to study hall.  Use your time productively while I am gone!

Absences, by You:  The school policy states the policy for absences and make-up work.  Please try to bring make-up slips to me at the start of  the class period.  I would strongly recommend getting lecture/discussion notes for days you miss.  If you are unable to get notes from one of your classmates, see me.  You will also need to get the bellwork question, if there was one, and complete it.  See me for the question.  If an absence should happen on a test day, we will determine a make-up date.

Class Participation:  I highly encourage appropriate class participation.  Appropriate class participation is that which is asked for and pertinent to the topic at hand.  Class participation can show me that you have read and understood the materials, which will be to your benefit while you are being assessed in other ways (bellwork, tests, etc.)

Food & Drink:  Food or drink brought into class without my expressed permission will be confiscated and not returned.

Grading:  Students earn grades based on bellwork, quizzes and tests, homework, and other projects or work as assigned.  The exact breakdown of percentages will vary slightly by quarter, but will be close to the following:  

Written work (bellwork, worksheets, study guides etc.) 60%

Tests/Quizzes/Projects 40%

I reserve the right to round up any mid-term, quarter, or semester grade based on quality of work and/or quality of contributions to the class (bellwork, in-class participation, etc.)

Students are welcome to inquire about their academic standing in class.  I will try to give you updates each 2-3 weeks.

The schoolwide grading system is as follows:

A (excellent or above average)  94-100%

B (very good or above average)  86-93%

C (average or minimum level of performance)  78-85%

D  (poor or below average)  70-77%

U (unsatisfactory-minimal achievement level not achieved)  69% or below.

I  (incomplete-due to prolonged absence or other excusable absence).

Punctuality/Tardiness:  Punctuality is a matter of habit which must be formed by consistent demands that students be on time to all classes.

Tardiness is failure to be in your assigned spot at the prescribed time.  Excessive tardiness will result in detention as per school policy.  Students tardy for class need to provide a pink pass for an excused tardy.

Tests/Quizzes/Projects:  Tests and quizzes are useful assessment tools to determine the level of your academic progress.  Tests will be based on lecture material and class discussion, as well as any additional resources such as worksheets, movies, etc.  Your study guide will be of great help in studying for tests.  You will need to turn in your study guide before you take the test.  If your study guide is not complete, you will not be able to take the test.  Tests may include multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, and short answers.  I also may use an essay.  If you will have an essay as part of your test, you will either get the essay question in advance so you can prepare or you will get the essay portion of the test as a take-home test.  I reserve the right to give pop quizzes, and will be most likely to use this right if I feel students are not using their time at the end of class productively or are too distracted to pay attention during class discussion.

When to ask Mr. Batie for help, assignments, etc.:  If you need to see me come see me in the band room.  I would strongly prefer that you do not interrupt me during a full band rehearsal  unless it is absolutely necessary.  You may come in anytime that I am teaching a lesson to talk to me.  If you need to see me and are having difficulties finding time, please let me know so we can find a time to get together.  You may also call me at home, however try to call earlier in the evening if at all possible before the children are asleep.